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Cause afterall you're my wonderwall,
Monday, January 14, 2013 // Monday, January 14, 2013

It's been 5eva since I last updated this blog. I'm coming back because I don't know tumblr doesn't seem too right to share my feelings with all the followers and everything. Over here it's better because no one reads this blog. I'm so very delighted to announce that I've completed my O levels and have gotten my results. I've done incredibly well (ok lah not so good but still better than expected.)

My raw L1R5 is 9. Single digits are pretty hard to get and I have absolutely no idea how I got it honestly. I didn't expect to get a single digit. Thanks to my CCA I get to minus 2. So glad I begged Mr Deep to give me more points hahaha. With 7, I could enter many JCs such as ACJC or AJC (Arts stream obviously I'm not really a science student.) Plus, I could apply for humanities scholarship BECAUSE BOTH MY HUMANS IS AN A1 OMG BLESS MADAM TANG FOR THIS. The biggest disappointment was my English which I only was able to get a B3 which was saddening tbh. I did better for my prelims but I guess we all don't get lucky all the time. & the biggest shock was my Tamil in which I managed to get an A1 which really surprised me tbh because it's really hard to get an A1 you need one of those always tamil speaking really good in tamil types but aw well IT'S AMAZING. I was so freaking happy when I saw that and my parents were so shocked. The others were sort of expected. E Maths: b3; A Maths; a2 Biology; b3 & Chemistry; a1 (ok lah I worked super hard for Chemistry finishing the whole TYS on my own)

I've submitted my JAE already and I'm doing Psychology in NP. I'm 99% sure I'd get in. So that's it I've decided my future I'm going to be doing Psychology for the REST OF MY LIFE. Sometimes I feel like it's a big step I'm taking like I should have gone to JC and taken the 'safer' route. My parents were not too keen of my choice but I was pretty adamant.

Sigh. Hopefully poly life would be amazing and I would work hard and love the course and with God's help I'd be able to make it through.

Bye bye!

p/s: Gotta start looking for a job. *sigh*

But I don't think words can express your beauty;
Saturday, September 15, 2012 // Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hello! X
This is my first time blogging through my phone heh not like anyone cares or anything but hello if u happen to be lingering or blog hopping or st.
I have acquired a really annoying habit of speaking in third person ... it is as annoying as my hair touching/twirling habit but not many people talk to me haha.
Been doing loads of thinking lately that's why I ended up here. I always end up here when I'm in the thoughtful mood.
The grass always seem greener on the other side. Everyone else's country seems better than yours. That's the shittiest feeling of having tumblr bestfriends it's that they're better off there.
I've always been jealous of people who can travel the world at my age; whose parents are rich enough to bring them to various countries ugh.
So I have decided to make a bucket list of places I want to go and things I wanna do.
1) Skydiving in New Zealand.
2) Watch a match in Anfield in Liverpool.
3) Do beatles relaters stuff in Liverpool with Cady.
4) Scotland mmmeeet a certain red haired girl named Karen Gillan.
Uhhhhmmmm and own a summer house with my clique. ^^

I'd probably not be back till o's goodbye lovelies. XX

There must be something more.
Monday, June 4, 2012 // Monday, June 04, 2012

Hello! I'm back.
/cold wind swishes by because honestly nobody reads this blog.

Caroline (steviegerrardsthighs) follows me on tumblr so I'm in the gang yo. Feels cool to have a gang. Cady's super nice afjrieferjifrejf. We're just a bunch of idiots from different countries with the same opinions. Did I mention no social life too? HAHAHA. I think we should meet up and live together and all those shit your parents told you not to do with strangers on the internet. Omfg what if Cady or Esther or Caroline is actually a 40 year old dude who preys on 16 year old girls. HAHA but they have too much of a no life to be one!

MARTIN KELLY RFERfrifjreigjtigjrtg my baby okay just omfg my baby I love him so much. He's incredible really. Talented lad. Young but he's amazing. Had a lot of faith in him since 2010. & Kuyt left which is really really devastating. He's one of those players I look up to yo and he's incredible really. Brilliant ttm. God bless him wherever he is. It's almost as sad as when Alonso left. All those players you rlly rlly love and they leave and you feel like a lil part of you just died. It sounds like a hyperbole but it actually kind of hurts deep inside and Tumblr likes to bring out ALL THE FEELS and make you a emotional wreck erjferifj. All the creys though.

Okay I only come along here when I have a problem & I absolutely feel like ranting out all my feelings right now because THAT'S WHAT GIRLS DO. Deal with it.

Firstly, I always feel like an outcast... like generally, especially in my class. I may appear anti-social, which I won't deny I am but I always feel like there's nothing to talk about to everyone. I mean, all the girls in my class are like effortlessly so pretty and talented and smart and popular and it feels like I'm below them in some way to actually strike a conversation with them ... which honestly I'm to socially awkward to do so. So basically, if you don't talk to me, I won't talk to you. But even that when people make an effort to talk to me, I have no idea how to reply them. I just laugh or nod my head or say okay because rlly what am I supposed to say? Sighzxc why do I have to be such a loser. I really really love my clique though. They're like the most amazing people I've ever met srsly. So genuine and nice and not two-faced and all the stupid shit we do together will never ever ever ever be forgotten.

Secondly, I always feel like I'm never good enough for anyone you know. I mean let's talk about the topic of guys in general. All the girls have like guys swooning behind them & I'm just ugh. Wtf is wrong with me? I find it difficult to strike a conversation w a guy honestly. They'd rather talk to the pretty popular ones. Why the fuck would they even want to talk to me?
I feel pathetic.

Hey crush, you're adorable and I'm socially awkward. I rlly hate it when people make fun of us because honestly I wish everything they say is actually true because you know you're freaking adorable and I'm too awkward to even talk to you.



Even the sun sets in paradise.
Sunday, May 13, 2012 // Sunday, May 13, 2012

I always double check my spelling nowadays now that Amirabitch and Bitchelsea keeps on making fun of my spelling. It's hilarious the futility of my English but meh .... feeling dumb isn't the most AMAZING feeling ever. But my mom always say that I'm a lazy person (She uses the term laziness personified which makes her sound smart but rlly whatevs.). I won't deny it. I mean, I see all my classmates so focused on their studies because it's Sec 4 year than there's me and Chelsea. HAHA.

Rlly nervous for tomorrow - results - which is something that I'm dreading since I was so ill prepared for my SA2. But I gotta narcissistically admit, I'm quite smart y know. No tuition and fo shizzle except for Tamil (which is a subject that I naturally suck at and I blame my parents to a certain extent.) and yet I still manage to pass most my papers, occasionally doing beyond average for Maths or History or Chemistry. Not Biology though .... I suck ttm. :(

And I watched THE AVENGERS yesterday. Awesomeness overload!!!!!!!! Everyone's hot in The Avengers, especially Scarlett Johansson. OHMYGOD Tom Hiddleson. TOMMMYYYYY TOM TOM TOM perfection. & oh my god Chris Evans. Y'know I'd tap everyone in the movie. Oh gosh ... I might watch it again because I promised Sijia but the others don't rlly wanna watch.

Okay, back to obsessively reblogging The Avengers in my Tumblr and stalking this amazing Tumblr that has shit loads of The Avengers stuff - misshalfblood. SHE FOLLOWS ME, so we have this weird mutual reblogging relationship. :)

Happy Sunday evening everyone! Bye

 Zomfg they going to reveal who Barney marries like day after tomorrow!!!! #excited I grew up watching HIMYM. When I was little, me and my sister used to like watch in Star World till my mom deemed it as inappropriate for kids our age and we still used to watch it haha!! But now my mom loves it too. LOL my family cute.

Now bye for real!

Savita. Xx

Sunday, March 25, 2012 // Sunday, March 25, 2012

What's so weird about death or suicide? I mean, what's so scary about dying? To not feel anything forever, isn't it wonderful?

You know, they say, death is a sweet yet bitter thing. When someone young dies, they always say "But she/he was too young." When someone commits suicide, they regret all the things they could have done to stop them. But you see, DEATH is an inevitable thing, suicide isn't.

Many a times I've thought about killing myself. . . but I lack courage. I could jump off a building anytime. . . I'm not afraid of heights, I'm not afraid of falling down but I'm afraid of my head crashing against the concrete floor and scattering to pieces. . . and the pain that comes after it. What if I fail and end up in the hospital?

But, people do love me, I suppose. I'd be selfish to say nobody cares about me because surely someone out there does. It's not like I've had it too hard . . . my life is just so . . . ugh.

I've no reason to die tbh. But I've no reason to live. So basically I just exist till god decides to take me away . . . hopefully soon.

They say the world ends in 2012. *shrugs shoulders* Maybe it really does.

"I hate you." "Well get in the queue sunshine, I hate myself too." -- Cherrybomb.

Things to be positive about: Doctor Who series 7, Sherlock series 3 outttt

I should stop having all these morbid thoughts in my mind.

Forgive me I'm trying to find my calling;
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 // Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I like Sleeping With Sirens.
Good band.
Don't judge me music taste.

Lol and I want Little Mix to win Xfactor because I want them to achieve something One Direction couldn't and be all up em. It'd be fun.

Actually I hate all the One Direction fans in Singapore unless they liked One Direction before their single WMYB (like muaaa). I'm a stereotypical hypocrite. Deal.with.it

I'm a celebrity . . . get me outta here - ing these few dayz.


Bye cobwebs on my blog.

She don't wanna go outside, tonight.
Friday, October 28, 2011 // Friday, October 28, 2011

Hello. /cold wind blows by.

Nobody reads this blog. Just went to Priya's house for Deepavali with Dakshaini, Navia and Rachel. RACHEL'S GOT AWESOME HENNA DRAWING SKILLS.

Okay, I know I'm not really tumblr famoz and all cause I've only got hundreds of followers and not thousands or ten thousands but I'm going to make this post anywayz.

So yesterday I was incredibly bored and I started checking out all me followers blog. Usually I follow back most of the tumblrs cause I love all me followers. So I was clicking all their "About Mes" , "Life story", "Personal Posts" and whatsoever tags anyone has on their blogs. I was srsly bored, don't judge me. And I don't like following people who have no similar interest as me - makes me dashboard annoying.

I came across this gay kid's blog which was like okay (not an amazing blog but a meh blog but he loves One Direction though). Than I read his life story tag or something - can't really remember the name. But anyways what he posted made me cry. I mean, it might be the weather or something but I was so freaking emotional, I just cried. :'(

This is the post,

Okay idc if you guise find it stupid or judge me or something. Wait, scratch that, NOBODY reads this blog. No judging nothing. But bless this kid for staying so strong. :') And I'm so fucking pissed with the father. Which fucking father would treat his fucking son like this. Really, bitch, really? I hope you burn in hell. And the mom does nothing. REALLY? I hope you have your fucking period in a shark tank. Seriously go die you people.

With this post,

A place where the sun is silent,
Thursday, October 13, 2011 // Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sometimes I watch Karen Gillan's and Matt Smith's kiss (Season 5, Episode 5) over and over again hoping that The Doctor and Amy would have gotten together.

I ship Rory and Amy

but boy

that kiss was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaastiiiiiiic. <3

I would have inserted a gif but they are all so blur. :(

A few more days for A place where the sun is silent. I'm so excited. Div's going to buy the album. He told me hahaha. We spoke on viber for like a shit damn long time. That kid's epic. Sometimes, when he comes to my house, he lies under my desk while I'm tumblr-ing (or doing other shit on my laptop) screaming songs with earpiece plugged into his ears. UNDER MY DESK. Srsly. Kid's got issues.

Dear Valerie,

This is Oliver Sykes:
Oliver Sykes
He's practically a sex god and my second favourite member of BMTH. :)

This is Nathan Sykes:
He's super adorable and my favourite member of The Wanted.

They are NOT related. :) I love you, byee.


Out of control, like a surge of electric.
Sunday, September 25, 2011 // Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dammit. Amy and Rory are no longer eleventh's companion. They will come back. I hope. *prays* This makes me so sad. :(

I shall be depressed.

Gif spam:

Haha. I told Valerie that Oliver Sykes (from BMTH) and Nathan Sykes (from TW) are related and she believed me for a moment. That gullible bitch. I love her so much manz. <3

Bye losers.


Baby, you light up my world like nobody else.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 // Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bahahaha hai. /stares at time: it's 2.49 am.


I shouldn't be using my laptop now. Why do I feel so anxious all of a sudden? I slept like a pig today. 12am to 2pm. I miss blogging! :( So long never blog. Daym, what made me want to come back to blogging?

Had CIP on Sunday! Jurong Point > Science Center > Home Team NS (played bowling with Chang Yee) > Lot 1 (Dinner at Pizza hut). HAHA. Me, Amira and Sharon had quite a bit of fun. (Y)

Omg, I CANNOT WATCH DOCTOR WHO. So sadz. The link not working. Damn it. GLEE COMING BACK soon woohooo! I still want to watch doctor who dammit. Karen Gillan = perfection. Hahaha. Did I mention I've got a girl crush on Karen? ASDFGHJKLLLL, she's so perfect SRSLY.

Bahahahahaha, Amber says that The Wanted are coming back to Singapore. Gonna hug Nathan Sykes AGAINNNNNNNN. Woohoo! I want to take pictures le. WHAT IF TOM KISSES ME AGAIN? /dies. I almost died that day - too much spassing. Oh, speaking of spassing, I wanna watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes. My follower told me there's a hot fight scene asdfghjkl woots. :) Haha ATL are coming to Singapore too. Epic (Cause TW has a song titled ATL , get it???) OMG I'M SO HILARIOUS. No srslyy.

Teacher's Day is going to be fun - if everything turns out well. Our train got cut. :( Now no more fun. BUT STILL ITS GOING TO BE EPIC. (Y)

Ah that's all ah bye.


If I ever feel like posting again, I'll come back.

Her whisper is the lucifer,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 // Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Waaazzzzzup pretty faces, yo ! :D

Most importantly,
22.09.2010 is the perfect date! (:

Hai KinderJOY! You're finally 14 and you should be more mature. Omg, I'm the only one who haven't yet turned 14. O: SADDD. But still I'm more mature than you lah. Please do not grow any taller, you too tall already lah but keep that chio face there. You've been such an awesome pal. (But I'm still an awesome-r person than you.) Hahahaha. Thanks for the memories and laughters. :D Screaming maniac pusssssaaaayyyeeees rock on forever. \m/
P/s: You know I'm going to Tumblr spam you right?

Omg I juz watched this episode like on Wednesday ! ~ HELLO BABY SO ROCKS ! :DD fuckyeahdshinee:  LMAO
I juz finished watching "SHINee's Hello Baby" (okay I know I am quite late coz of the whole "I promise not to KPOP coz of my studies thing"). And it was amazing, wonderful, supeeeerb and the list can go on. And all of them are extremely, extremely cute and funny people. My 1 and a half weeks of watching the 13 episodes was the best. Especially my MC days! Key's super cuteee and Onew, ah, Onew. <3

Watching the last episode was really, really touching. The baby would have felt so . . . poor thing. He's juz a tod and you make him believe that 5 people are your appas and than take him away from his "appas" after 100 days but the video they made for him to view when he was 20, touching! Sometimes I feel as if these people are just doing it for the camera but sometimes they REALLY make me feel as if they really care for the baby and love him so much.

I really hate the way SHINee has become so popular in Swiss and Singapore from the time I started liking it, June 2009, to be exact. I don't remember anyone that I knew liking SHINee. Everyone were like "Who's that?" and commenting on how awkward my taste was . . . and slowly the popularity began. And I still remember during hip hop enrichment, I scribbled Taemin's name on my hand and the hip hop instructor was like "Who's that ahhz. Scribble name than put hearts also." LOL. (Okay, I think these were the exact words.) Hui Ting was the one who intro me to SHINee. I can still recall the day I was in your house watching the Replay MV when I instantly fell in love with them. Ahhh.

Okay, time to go watch Youngins, LiYing recommended! Hahahaha. I juz realised the show is quite old, when SHINee first debuted hahaha but nevertheless, hope I don't get heartbroken watching the show! Heeees. Bye I go watch lioaz. Hope its funny.



We'll walk this road together,
Monday, September 6, 2010 // Monday, September 06, 2010

iwillbecauseican:  (via raindropsandsunspots, polaroidrainbows)
LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE IS EPIC ! Hahahaha. But Eminem like super awesome, yay. (Y) I LOVE NOT AFRAID.

Remember I promised myself not to listen to KPOP (or do anything crazy or stupid.) Hahaha, I broke the promise. Curious me had to go listen to Lucifer. I think the only reason I could tahan all this while is coz SHINee didn't release a new album/song. Awww, they are so adorable.

So, I went to watch Star Golden Bell (SGB) and Idol Army (again), and I fell more and more in love with them. So the 6 months of not spassing about them - OVER. Its not a good nor bad thing, juz spass.

& I don't care if you hate me Chan Hui Ting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

TAEMIN YOU ARE SO STUPID. AAAAARGGGH. But you make me go asdfghjkl. <3

Less than a month more and I really don't want a repeat of last year. And I've already (kind of) thought through what I wanna do next year: Double Humanities, Elect Geography + Pure History. But I really really really really wanna be in the same class and Chelsea next year and she too has mutual feelings about that.

CA results were unsatisfactory. Let's exclude D & T shall we? I know he didn't mean to loose our papers but . . . it has been found, can't you juz give me the marks. And Literature wooooots - 95 manz ! (Y) I KNOW I AM AWESOME, thank you. (:

Return to Primary School felt more like home-coming. Home is where the heart is. The feeling of nostalgia made me almost tear. Too bad there's no kind of time machine that can rewind back in time to those moments.

Saturday was awesome except for the goodbye part. 19 September, Div, 19 September. (:


Raise your hands for our generation,
Sunday, August 22, 2010 // Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello everybody ! (:

I guess it's been pretty long since I last posted or not. Just loosing interest. Btw, Tumblr's getting super addictive. Reblog, reblog, reblog. Picture spam !

I think I'm quite high right now as Valerie and Amber just left my house. We were watching diving. They came around 2, and we were about to watch diving when we realised it started at 3. Than talk and play with Alex till 3 and on the TV to Channel 5, continued watching till 5, than they stop showing. Turned to YOG channel 241, and than they continued there. Wierd much?

Tom Daley's super hawt and the mexican guy too. I think diving is like pretty cool. And Valerie couldn't stop fascinating about Tom. But his performance wasn't that good at the beginning but managed to catch up. 4th in prelims.

And Valerie was mad-funny.

She: Where's Tom?!
Amber: Wait lah, now only start what.
Me: He coming lah! Don't scream when you see him, my grandmother sleeping.
She: Of course I won't scream.
*Continue watching and than Tom comes out to dive.*
*Grandmother comes out of room.*
Grandma: What happened? (In Tamil).
Me: Nothing, nothing.
Me, Amber and Val: -Laugh like shit-

And than I smacked her face. Because of her, need to rewind to watch the first round dive of him. I promise I will stop spassing over you Tom. Anyways, looking forward to the Finals later. MUST WATCH AHZ ! Oh oh, and the Singaporean guy was damn fail and stupid China. Deep shit lah him. But now very bored since they're gone. :P

Since I have alot of time, let me talk about yesterday too.

Flag Day yesterday and I couldn't go for Teens Club. ): Shift 2 was 12.30 to 5pm. Met SiJia at Yew Tee and MRT-ed t CCK. Saw Prajakta first. Than a few other girls. Went to look for Bern. Than all of us went to the bus interchange there to collect our tin cans. At first, we walked around the CCK, lot 1 area, collect money. Some people are nice, some people are juz ugh. -No words to explain-.

After that, me, Bernice, Prajakta, XinYing, Gladys and Sharlene went to Lot 1 to take a break, than Nicolette, LiYing, SiJia and Dreidel came. And than I called WanRui coz I was bored than she was laughing like a sioazhabor at my state. We took shuttle bus to Jurong Point. The shuttle bus was pretty crowded, so me, Nicolette and Gladys shared two seats. And the uncle was damn gl. "Hello, this one two seat, if not you get out of the bus." Than he like juz drive off. Wth?!

Jp donations were okay, I suppose. Quite a number donated but it was really tiring. I hate people who ignore me. Its like . . . does it hurt to say no. Or people who say yes and than walk away. @: Like please, as if I wanna do this stupid flag day. I could be sitting in Teens Club, enjoying air-corn rather than walking in the hot sun. A few Singapore Poly people were collecting money too. And they were all very friendly people.

Around 4.40, took the train to CCK, and returned back the tin cans. And than went to pizza hut with Bernice and SiJia to eat. Super hungry + super tired. Than went roaming around lot 1. Went back around 7.

Heh, I'll end this long post here. :P

Soccer and diving clash. ):

Tom Daley's my current obsession. <3


All the promises we made, one by one they vanish just the same.

I'm starring at a broken door.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 // Thursday, August 05, 2010

Boo, I'm back to post again !

Love you ttm! Thanks for making all my Saturdays a memorable one. And for the only girl surviving in the class with me. (Except for the wierd new kind, Lucy.) All those times we roamed around Orchard/Queensway/Woodlands can never be forgotten, never. And your big ego is so cute!!! Blegh. We're ego partners, right? P/s: I'm still awesome than you.
Sorry no picture of you! Heees, but thanks for the Saturdays we spent together. Although you only sometimes roam with us around Orchard and Queensway. LOL. I've got nothing to say. X:

Science Enrichment, yesterday and today. And I actually kind of found it not bad. We made soap and perfume. I like stirring the thing, so funnnn. LOL. And I like my perfume smell. X country + NDP Celebrations tomorrow. YES PEI YI YOU MUST PITY ME! Actually, I felt like pon-ing but Ee baby (Yes, I'm gonna call you that and I know you are reading this post) kind of persuaded me to go.

Supposed t watch Inception on Friday with Hui Ting, Valerie and Amber but stupid Swiss Cottage had t have X Country tomorrow and ruin all plans. Anyway, we're watching it during the National Day holidays, so loooking forward. Really, IMY crazy, whacky, stupid people ! That reminds me - I need to post in our clique blog.

Nevertheless, I shall stay positive, although it is quite impossible. So, jiayous all YELLOW house people and do your best.\m/

I like All Time Weekend! Its a young band but it's really goood. And the lead singer is hot! Same age as Kelly too. The band's not so popular but go listen t Dance Forever and A different side of me.

Reblogged from iwillbecauseican.tumblr. Finally someone gets a TB. All those TBs who are reading my blog, this one's for you.

I shall change my skin now.


It's the elephant in the room & we pretend that we don't see it.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 // Wednesday, July 21, 2010

savitaandpreethalove-1.jpg picture by Savita-smosh
The years go bye and time just seems to fly - but the memories remain. Oh my, a month has flew by. 7 more months to go. I love you and hope everything's fine over there, dear. (:


I've got a sudden wish to be a guy. Wouldn't things be easier? Okay, so I suddenly got the thought of becoming a referee when I grow up. Well, it all started when I called a offside before the referee did than I thought of the reasons why becoming a referee is so cool. Wow. And I wanna be those sadistic referees who gives a red card with a big fat smile. Hahaha, it would be fun. LOL. But I know I wouldn't really wanna pursue this.

So, school's been okay, I guess? A little bit stressful but I can cope. Projects been piling up.
So, the next season of BPL is starting soon. Joe Cole's been in. And Martin Kelly's hot, really really hot. Like super dooper hot. Like beats Amanda's Ron and Villa. Hahaha. (: FTW.

I feel like changing my blog skin, idk plain or something. As if this skin is not plain.


The smell of you in every single dream I dream.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 // Thursday, July 08, 2010

Hello, hi, boo.

VILLAAAAA! <3  (via fuckyeahworldcup)
Villa. <3

Paul. ): HEH HEH HEH. “Nopes, that’s not Paul!” fuckyeahworldcup:  alvaroomar
PAAAAUL. ): "Nope, that's not Paul"

Pujol’s amazing goal. (:  Don’t you just think soccer is such a beautiful game? & this is the first time Spain’s entering the Finals. All the way!   (via fuckyeahworldcup)
Pujol's amazing goal.

Hey, Germany fans, its okay. Haiyooo, its 3.35 am and I’m feeling pretty sleepy. HuiTing’s beside me. Paul, the octopus better not let me down right now. Because I had the hope that Spain would win. (:  SPAIN ftw. \m/ fuckyeahworldcup:  sportsfreeze:  “ALSO OCTOPUS CAN BE WRONG” is a great piece of advice. ESPN Pre-Show, World Cup Semifinals, Germany vs. Spain, 7 July 2010.
Well, so far, Paul's been right eh?

HuiTing’s going “HOT, HOT, HOT”  Its a pity he’s not playing but he’s not been really good lately. Not fully recovered from his knee surgery perhaps? Hmmmm.  (via fuckyeahworldcup)
LOL. He only came by at the last minutes of the game. Probably to waste time or something. But its not worth substituting Villa with him. WHAT IF GERMANY HAD SCORED? The extra time > Spain would have died.

Do visit my tumblr for more picture spams. These photos are included too.

Yesterday/Today morning was super fun! (:

HuiTing came by my house @ around 8 ++ liddat. Use the computer for a while, talk alot. Call Amber, spam Amber's inbox. Tumblr, tumblr, tumblr ALOT. Around 9.45 liddat go to sleep. But was talking so much, didn't sleep.

2.17 was the time I woke up. & I did not need the help of anyone/anything. WOW. My natural instinct not that bad. Sis already wake up and on the TV already. Got some popcorn and woke up Dumb. The three of us, sat down and watched the match. Me and HuiTing @ the front, sis at the back. Was facebooking fellow Spain and Germany supporters @ that time.

Div damn epic sia. @ Facebook:

Div: Eh, what you doing online at this time?
Div: Chey, me too. Good game.
Me: Hahahaha, we shall see when Spain scores a goal.
Div: Villa.
Me: Hmmmm.

Than he went offline. He's pathetic. (: YOU KNOW ITS SUPER AWESOME T HAVE YOUR FAVOURITE TEAMS @ THE FINALS. Both Holland and Spain. Wooots.

Went to watch Eclipse yesterday with Bernice and SiJia. Not bad. I only liked the part where they fought.
And the part where Jacob Black said to Edward Cullen, "I'm hotter than you." But I sort of regret NOT watching it with WR, Kim, Div, Will and KH.

I really must watch this movie when it comes out. With Teens Club. We already "early book" our outing, so that last minute won't back out. > Like Eclipse. ): Loooooking forward. (:

For now, better catch up on my sleep, homework and tumblr more. HA HA HA !

Hey you bitch, getting on my nerves. You always want things your way. So stubborn. Why do I even call you a friend?

May your organs fail before your dreams fail you,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 // Tuesday, June 22, 2010

“I know that each and every one of you has felt at one point, like you couldn’t go on. But then you found hope. There’s always some way to find hope."
If only if it was as easy as it seems. ):

Something about blogging is so addictive. Something is wrong with me. I don't feel like blogging but I feel like blogging. Sighs.

I stayed up late last night watching Spain VS Honduras. Hmmm, I must say not too satisfied with Spain's performance. Spain could have trashed them big time ! But it was quite a relief after watching Spain loose to Swiss. David Villa ftw. His first goal was like amazing. Manage to dribble past 3 defenders. Yeah, baby. Yesterday, I found out that there was a Honduras player called Welcome. LOL. And the commentator was "Welcome." "Welcome again". HA HA HA ! (:


Red card for being sexyyyyy & hot. (: Omg, isn't he like drop-dead gorgeous?! SUPER DAMNN HOTTTTTTTTTT. <3

Goodbye for now.

You can see my heart beating,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 // Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello people.

First and foremost,

Hui Ting's Awesome!
My lovely honey who has been there for me and a member of the awesomest clique EVER, Chocolates. Love you, Cadbury! <3
Honeeey, I've got a present for you. Must meet after exams. (:

Currently doing Art Prep. Colouring left. I realise I always push things to the last minute, ALWAYS. Its a habbit of mine. Sighs. 2 more papers to go + ORAL. Freaking scared for Oral. Hope I don't stammer like last time. EEEEEEEEP! ): -Keeping fingers crossed-

I didn't complete Science and both Maths papers. ): I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at least a B3. I realised I lack in time management. Come on, buck up. Home Econs is on the way. 9 freaking chapters! AAAAAAH! -.-

I've been so down lately. I don't know why. I am just terrified of growing up. Have you ever thought about it? Time's moving really fast and I can't keep up. Time is SCARY, to me. Scarier than ghosts and monsters. I just want t stay 14 forever. Impossible, impossibe. Fat hopes.

So stupid, we thought both of us couldn't fit into the ice cream truck.

LJS @ Lot 1 for lunch, SJ's house, studied, danced, sang, Art. Nothing much. (:

I might be closing this blog. I don't know. Maybe close it for a short while and open it. Haiz. I just need some time to think.

Bye bye!

Its more alive than this blog. You don't need to have a account to view it too.

Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not.
Friday, April 30, 2010 // Friday, April 30, 2010

HA HA. BOO ! (:

Strange huh. I just updated a short while ago. ): I decided to post more often with shorter posts. OHOH, and I just posted in the CHOCOLATES blog too. (: Thank you, I know I'm awesome. \m/

I became WanRui's ego-partner. We've both got BIG egos. HA HA HA !

Yesterday, went to twin's house with Si Jia to watch Final Destination. Div, if you're reading this, you're a suckeeer, punkkkk! LOL. I was laughing throughout the whole movie. SiJia was covering her face half of the time. It's fun to laugh at people freak out. LOL (: Div, again, you're a SUCKKEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! And I'm awesome. Dontchu ever forget that.

Today, went to twin's house to complete watching the movie but her brother was there, so we reverted to doing other things. Played with fire and went down to the playground. HA HA HA ! Funny~ Did a music video for disturbia. WEE: DISTURBIA 2.0.
THE ROBOT DANCE. "HELP, I'M TRAPPED IN THE PLAYGROUND!" Oh, you should watch the video. Its embarrassing, though. We were all going mad. (Actually the real MV is about her going CRAZY so you should sort of get it) I shall post the video once twinn edits it. Its freaking funny.

Yes, I'm very sad there's no teens club tomorrow. EEEEK ):

Bye bye.


Sometimes you fall down & can't get back up,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 // Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I really hope I can be a kid again. Believing everything I see. (: Been doing stuffs a regular kid would do these few days. Going gun-crazy with twin.

AAAAH, remember those days when you used t play w toy guns, running around your house, shooting your "enemy". Memories of my childhood. :D

English Paper 1 and Tamil Paper 1 today. D:
I know I am going to flunk both. The questions were SO NOT expected sia. ><

Lunch at Gombak Macs with twin, SiJia and Pat. (: Made our own drink with leftover stuff. Drank it. Tasted wierd . . . but okay. Train-ed to Jurong East and bounced. Twin went crazy. HG sitting across me from BBSS. Twin and SJ disagreed. But I think he's hot. LOL :P

I want to rewind back in time. To those times when I didn't have to fake a smile. :D I miss those days. I miss them so much, I'm starting t hate the present. The present is not that bad. But compared to the past, the present seems awful.

OHOH, and good luck to everybody for MYE.


Goodbye now, don't feel like blogging anymore.

Bye (:

P/s: Savita needs new earpiece. Earpiece shopping with twin, perhaps?

I may not say the words as such but I'm yours.
Thursday, April 22, 2010 // Thursday, April 22, 2010

Picture spam! (: Okay, its over now. :DD
CIP on Tuesday and Wednesday. Fun but tiring. Day 1: Chels and I did donation can. Seniors joined us soon. Than, decided to sell things buy walking around, asking people to buy our stuff. (:

Day 2 was almost the same. 2e1 was having Maths, which I didn't go to. Decided to ask them to buy since Tues sale was a failure. ><
Today had Maths w e2. Omfg, seemed wierd. Sat at the back of the class with Chels. (: ET today morning. TWIN RAN DAMN GOOD! I mean, for her standard. And I realised I have laughing disorder. PFFFT~ And and, today it was quite obvious. LOL. (:

Ugh, more and more girls are becoming TB-ish. ><
It's kind of irritating how people my age talk so much about being in love. We are too young. You are just infatuated, it's not love. Ugh. So stop brooding about how you are hurt over 'love'.
-Adapted from one of Chelsea's facebook status which I 100 % agree to. (:

SA1's coming soon. I feel scared, actually but I can't seem t make myself focus. Math's a total bullshit being totally lost in class. English is getting worse by the day. Tamil's somehow improving bt still not good enough. Science's is WTF-ish. Geography confuses me with so many things. Home Econs is super hard to memorise the facts. Okay, stop it Savita, you're just being not optimistic. ):

So many things I want to do, so little time. D: SATURDAY's coming in two day's time. I think I waste most of my time in the weekdays counting down t Sat when I only spent 1 1/2 hours in teens club and est. 1 hour ++ roaming around Orchard with them. LOL. Ironical. ~ I also hate waking up in the mornings but I like the sleepy morning rides in the train w twinnnn. :D

Can't wait for SA1 to finish.
Can't wait for the next CHOCOLATES outing. <3
Div has a almost retard friend who keeps on stalking me. AWKWARD.

I love BOXMAN. Seriously, I love it. And thanks to Ryan, I've learnt not to hate Justin Bieber because of his gay voice. JB didn't do anything wrong, right? But, NO, I don't love him like those TBs do.

Very long post. (:

P/s: Amber decided to "coach" me in running. YIPEEEE. Thanks darling <3

If love is just a concept, than all my tears are just the rain.
Friday, April 16, 2010 // Friday, April 16, 2010

Get used to the picture spam. Blame tumblr :P

Hey people! (:
Blogger enthusiastic me again. I keep on posting :DD

SiJia just left my house. Intended to do Maths but in the ended up using com, watching Nigahiga and making fun of Justin Bieber. LOL. Went for lunch w Pat and her today. Yummy, macs!

Well, at least the study session at SJ's house w LiYing on Wednesday was successful. Manage to complete all my Maths, but Miss Chua has t give more homework. D: This weekend's going to be fully booked. ):

Can't seem to find my phone USB wire. /:

My M & Ms collection is almost complete. I just need red. Stupid twin. Twin got red, she say she want start collecting. HA HA HA ! :P Twin almost got me wet in the rain in the morning. Oh, and Science was super fun w twin's matt/mud/mad song. Racist. IFD today ler, cannot be racist. ><

OH, nothing much t talk about. ):

I shall go do Literature Portfolio now!
Stupid KY stepped on my poster and now its totally ruined and I've got t redo it. -.- I did it for 3 freaking hours. Asshole -.- AAAAAAAAAH. ): Okay, I shall go do Lit now.

Bye bye.

So glad it is Saturday tomorrow.


Love you guys ttm! <3

I am glad that I have finally let go of what is not mine. I've been expecting too much and that's how I've got hurt. I shall stop trying now. I'm just happy that you're happy! It doesn't matter, in the end.

Okay, I'm seriously going now! BYE PEEPZ.

Hai, my name is Savita and I think that bow ties are cool.